of the employees of the Lorca to Baza and Águilas Railway.

No 1.Price: 10 céntimos. Back copy: 20 céntimos. Aguilas, JANUARY 1917.

Directors: Alfonso Jimenez and Manuel Miras.

This newspaper will always be distributed by its administrator, Mr Oliver, on payment.

Two words

A great thinker said that there was a neccesity in modern conurbations for a reporter because he will be the cause of the improvement of the same.

It is probable that this has inspired Mr George L Boag to create a newspaper for this company which is in our hands. As this is a happy and altruistic thing, then he should receive much applause.

The purpose of this newspaper, as you will find out later, unlike another, is that it will concern itself with all matters to do with the function of a railway; now talking about the actual development, now presenting innovations that are being introduced.

In this way, we will acquire a railway culture that will raise our profession. Equally importantly, it will serve as a complete communication between all of the employees.

Being your friend, or however you wish to call it, this newspaper will visit you monthly and will give you an enjoyable moment to learn whilst chatting.

Those of this class of newspaper, often found amongst the professions, are found to be of great benefit to the same.

All of this we will embrace, that THE JOURNAL, enjoying a prosperous future, being that we all need to provide a little charity, and, as Samuel Smiles once said, in one of his great books, 'the force of the spirit conquers all'.

Having done this small preface, it is left for us to wish you well, even ignoring what were the headlines that they brought us at the top of this newspaper.

For Distribution

Alfonso Jimenez


The Railway

The means of communication, being the life-blood of the towns, like arteries and veins, are the life of individuals, and the same as in physiological order, the abundance of arteries correspond to the most perfect organism, and in this way, the greatest means of communication correspond to the most perfect community.

The importance of communication is hugely important, in all aspects of life that you see, its influence is such in society that, in the same science, it is said that without means of communication society is impossible, because it is communiction that connects human with human in concepts of morality, economics, politics and commerce, and for that one has a vital society that is nourished both spiritually and materially, finally constituting the life of the municipalities, and losing that, their death.

However, the means of communication, like between the arteries that supply the blood, some categories are worth more than others, some are more important, others that function up to the needs placed upon them, but there is no doubt that between the means of communication, one that is most important without doubt, is the railway.

To concern itself with this matter, The Boletín has arrived with the noble idea of informing all people of such important matters that it is important to know, because at the same time as realising this importance, also knowing that there is an interest in relation to the railway to which they are intimately connected; there no being anybody, tall or short, rich or poor, educated or ignorant, who doesn't have some relationship with the railway, directly or indirectly.

We applaud without reservation the man who initiated this Boletín, so many benefits that it will give, and all who are able to contribute, carrying a pebble that will be a meritorious and unselfish work.

Angel Elul Ayuso

State Auditor


Our director, with the interest that he has always taken in our studies and practices of the Health and Safety Unit of the Railway, is offering a prize of 5 pesetas to the health worker who submits the best essay on "Treatment of an injury accompanied with arterial haemorrhage". The essay musnt contain no more than 200 words and they should be remitted with a coupon to this newspaper before 15th February. The essay that is most like the instructions in the official book "First Aid" of the 'St John's Association' will be the winner, The Director in consultation with the Head of Medicine will determine whose is the best entry. This will then be published in the next edition of 'El Boletín' with the name of the author.


To start

We want to, at the start of our albeit modest work wrapped in healthy ideas and maintained by strong will, with the compliance of others, to one of the causes that gave life to this publication, and for this, we open a plebicite between the Station and Works Managers to hear the opinions of all; which, according to the conditions that are established in other places, will be published.

We address the Special Tariff X n.o 4, when the sender who is not determined in the declaration, or if he wishes to request a more economic one, or hasn't filled in the form, or left a part empty, one often gets tired of this. In this case there is a difference of opinion between the company employees as to whether one should apply it or not.

Because once and for all, to come close to the interpretation of the tariff to which we refer, we have opened this plebiscite, which we hope will be successful, of whose result we trust will be in the next number, publishing at the time our opinion which we want to collect from an authorized source, because this will serve as a rule for those employees, that more directly they strum, hoping at last, that our questions will find as a result of the replies from our managers, that is to them will be managed.

This is the first, of a series of articles, that with the aims previously stated, will be published in successive editions.

Manuel Miras


Principal events in 1916

February 16.Russia takes Erzerum.
March 10.Germany declares war on Portugal
April 18.Russia takes Trabzon
April 24.Rebellion in Ireland
April 29.Turkey takes Al-Kūt.
May 31Battle of Jutland.
June 5.Lord Kitchener dies.
June 14.Conference between the allies in Paris.
June 25.Italian offensive.
July 1.British and French in the Somme Offensive.
August 27.Italy declares war on Germany.
August 28.Germany declares war on Rumania
August 30.Turkey declares war on Rumania.
November 6.British conquest of Darfur.
November 13 and 14.Battle of Ancre.
November 19.Allies take Monastir
November 21.Emperor of Austria dies.
December 6.Germany takes Budapest
December 7.English reconstitution.
December 11.Letter from The Allies to Greece.
December 12.Propsition by Germany for peace.
December 13.Reconquest of Verdún by The French
December 20.Letter from the President of The USA for peace.
December 30.The Allies reject Germanys peace proposition.



All of, or nearly all of, the railway companies in Spain are authorized to charge 50 per cent surcharge for packages whose volume of more than one cubic metre weigh less than 125Kg. This is shown in the General Tariff, but it can be seen that the benefits are small that the companies receive as transporting large packages costs more than is charged in the surcharge.

Even though he renounces that these lines write to show the moives or defects for why such a thing occurs, it will be written here the operative proceedings to follow, to have the security of those cases en which the surcharge is processed.

Whatever the exterior form is of the merchandise, it is correct to multiply the volume of these packages by 125Kg, whose product will be the minimum price of the deal; once the weight is ascertained on the scales, if it is less than calculated, one understands that one must charge the extra price for the transport of 50 per cent due to the volume; if on the contrary, the scales show the same or higher weight than this then it is not necessary to add the surcharge. Imagine there is a package in an ordinary box or whatever package that is similar.

To verify the volume,one measures with a metre rule the length, width and depth, multiplying these. So, if the length is 1m 30, the width 0m 80, and depth 0m 70 = 0.728 = 728dm3.

SO, the weight that one should apply to the package will be at least 728 x 125 = 91Kg.

It is evident, therefore, that if the weight of the parcel according to the scales is less than 91Kg one should apply the surcharge.

Antonio Martínez

Subinspector of freight


CANCELLATION. - The northern companies and the M.Z.A. have announced that on 1st February they will cancel the N.M.19 fares and their addition for the transport of wines and N.M. 23 p.v. for various merchandise. Now one can see that the big companies are starting to think about raising the tariffs to compensate for the huge rise in the cost of coal and other materials.



Although my knowledge is patchy and I have spent hardly four years in studying statistics, I should like to tell you about my work.

All parts of a nation, especially big companies, who are involved with complex operations, use a system of statistics to be able to know how their respective businesses are progressing and to know the best economic way of proceeding. Withought doubt, amongst these are the railways which have the best and biggest use of statistics which stand out above all for their quality by relating the passengers and merchandise in terms of pesetas. Of our general report of annual statistics which is presented using Model 109 - one can derive a number of documents pertaining to different concepts regarding the previous year - in the dismantling of this eloquent and laborious work, all of the Administration Departments are involved with presenting their respective data. This is apart from the data supplied to distinct official departments such as The National Engineering Office, Consulates, The Spanish Office of Statistics, etc. etc.

For the importance, which has been demonstrated, in wrapping up we should dedicate a these labours our greatest attention without losing the view that the exact result produced can at times have good repercussions for us every time that these benefits are our benefits as well for these that we must fly with the highest desire and most honoured desire to complete our obligations.

Our primary statistical method regarding passengers and merchandise, without copying any other railway, is nearly perfect. The best test of this is the best interpretation used anywhere. True, one can discern certain discrepancies in the criterion (no-one is obliged to be homogeneous in thought) that with good will and the necessary discipline in following the clear instructions in the course of comparing we can confirm that we are getting close to the "Meta" with the satisfaction that we have completed our task happy that we can live with the work method which is how employees trust in their interests.

We now start the labours of a new year (congratulations to all) with an unshakeable abnegation which is the base of all man's desires.

Now and for today I give the end of these badly filled in papers, not before showing that if anybody suggests an idea to change the system then he should send them to "The Boletín" for us to study, being sure that it will be made welcome for our superiority that in this material we have always demonstrated a very wide criterion.

Eugenio Viseras y Alcaraz

Inspector of Accounts and Statistics.




On the 21st December we celebrated a ceremony in the Outpatients Department of our Hospital, that not for the modest rigidity that it was done, leaving the fact that it was wrapped in transcendental importance, not only for being the only one in Spain, but for the the extraordinary success of it. I am referring to the oficial exams in First Aid whereby many employees of this railway company were prepared to subscribe to the Saint John's Association of the British railways.

Our percieved Southern inactividy is fictitious, and we show the spotaneous and enthusiastic energy that every noble idea is found in our latent will, always inclining towards the good and disposed to the emulation of dignified love. A good example of this we give to our company healthcare workers and their final exams, acted by the company doctor, Dr Calero, who had given the place for the constitution of the competent Official Body for the practice of "First Aid" in urgent assistance in multiple accidents and knowledge of the transport of grave injuries in their practice of immediate aid. The creation of the body of healthcare that praises the Directors of this company, whose social reach we cannot imagine, derives from thehonorable "Saint John's Cross" that imprints its noble character, and is constituted by employees of diverse departments of the Company and the most varied social situations of same, from a workshop apprentice to the most intelligent and skilled lathe operator and adjustor of same who with their skilled hands maintain the complex mechanisms of our locomotives or the hard material of the iron ore wagons and from the humble administrative office auxiliary or managers of these, the Staion Masters, train workers, etc. etc. all without distinction of class nor category have been model students, assiduous co-workers with only a single idea, to improve themselves considerably, not only at the level of the character of honorary employees of some important company, nor in the society in which they live or in the whole nation that they grow, because this noblist idea to which they sacrificed their mental energies and their free time with pure love and unshakeable will is more human, more social, the most worthy of applause, already breathing in the intimate satisfaction to save the life of any fellow being in trouble, at the honourable end to avoid the mourning and pain of a family, to ease the suffering of an individual and in a word, practicing the most sublime of the works of charity. This honorabale group of "healthworkers of the Railway Company" on reaching the goal of their aspitations, have obtained a prize that they have not come close to today in understanding how much their transcendental social importance, only that they have understtod that they have documents that, in their homes, are already honoured, now in the performance of their social situations, they are always of financial benefit, by that of more value than one can award, for the inestimable value of replacing the health where death looms funereal wings or where fatality is preparing the maternal ruin and moral to be forever loved, saying that it is always the obliges circumstances of all well-born men, to care about all who suffer.

I repeat, in Spain it is the healthcare system in railways and the accumulation of property that of that emerges, returns to our healthcarey systems the high honour of starting a social benefit which must not be delayed in other regions and similar organizations the noble copying and useful organization, doubly useful for its inseperable fusion with the daily services of their respective departments.

With the most enthusiastic attention to such a fraternal and noble idea, albeit humble, however, sincere applause to those whom all of society has dedicated the honour of the honourable body of healthcare workers of theis company and their dignified Director's personality.

Alejandro Santamaría

Head of Healthcare Services


Sales from Railway Traffic


January 1 to 6 - Ptas. 85,298.02

January 7 to 13 - Ptas. 90,166.85

January 14 to 20 - Ptas. 97,146.85

January 21 to 27 - Ptas. 110,110.97


COMMERCIAL SERVICES = Mr Joaquín Morales has been named as a specialist.

TRACTION.-The following have presented their resignations: Francisco Villa, Francisco Ibáñez, Ginés Acosta, Antonio Bolarín, PedroYúfera, Ginés García and Pedro Serrano,

The motive for these decisions were to improve their luck, to which we wish them the best.

MOVEMENT.-Mr Ramón Abellán has been promoted to 2nd Class telegraphist.

WAYS AND WORKS.-On 12th of this month, Marí Josefa Sánchez, the level crossing operator passed away.

We send our condolences to her family

The labourer Manuel Gimenez who worked for No 11 group has been moved to No 3 group of the branch line, and labourer José Gómez who started work this month and was translated to 11th group.


A special goods train leaves Baza with x tonnes of various goods. In Serón it unloads half of its contents, and half a tonne more. In Almanzora it unloads half of the remainder and half a tonne more, and in Huércal again half of the remainder and half a tonne more. It arrives in Almendricos with five tonnes. How many tonnes did it contain when it left Baza?



The development of the great networks of the railways of the South American Continent offers many points of interest, especially in the actual moments when one is looking at the huge importance to all nations the arrival of a wide reaching system of means of communication. The following state contains information regarding the distances of railways in production in all countries comprising the great continent, compared to the number of inhabitants and the surface area of their lands at the end of 1914. For reasons that the reader can easily understand, it is not possible to collect the statistics from more recent years but there will be little difference as nearly all railway construction was stopped at the outset of the war.

Comparative development of the Railways of South America

PopulationSquare kilometresKm under constructionPopulation per Km trackSquare Km per Km track
Dutch Guinea85,536119,326140611852
British Guinea296,000231,8131521,9471,525
French Guinea49,00082,901---

South America total48,398,37119,737,52780,729599244

We have added to this interesting table the data for Spain with the object of giving an idea of the development of our railways with respect to the those of the "New World". The comparison serves to demonstrate how poor we are in Spain, for example, one can see in Argentina that every 218 persons have a kilometre of line whereas here a kilometre has to serve no less than 1,160 people. Great Britain also has one kilometre of track for every thousand people, but on the contrary, she has one kilometre of track for every 10 square kilometre of land.

The South American Continent is divided, without counting the colonies of The Guineas, into ten republics: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela, and in each one of these countries the railways have developed distinctly.

(To be continued)



Letters to this page must be accompanied by a coupon. Letters are to be limited to 50 words.


Advice from Madrid, Zaragoza and Alicante

It seems that to replace Mr Gustavo Bauer, recently deceased, as President of The Board of Administration of The Madrid, Zaragoza, Alicante Railway Company, they designated one of his sons, who was assistant engineer to the Board.

In addition, the second son of the deceased Mr Bauer has entered the said Board of Administration occupying the post of the absent Mr Eduards Dato, who has renounced his post.

From the Gazette of los Caminos de Hierro

The Baeza junction.

Formerly the station whereby the lines Manzanares to Córdoba (M.Z.A.) and the Almerian lines (South of Spain Ry) had the name Baeza. It has been changed to El Arquillo. And, from the 10th of this month it will revert to being called Baeza. This station also has a electric tram from Linares and on the other hand an electric tram from La Loma or in effect, Úbeda. As this thram from La Loma serves directly the population of Baeza, which is a significant distance from the general line from Manzanares to Córdoba, so they have changed the name of the station situated on the tram track to Viveros de Baeza.

Given the importance that Baeza Junction has, being the point of contact between the general line of Andalusia and that which goes to Linares, Úbeda, Almería and Granada, we have printed this information of the new denomination.

Oranges, pomegranates, etc., with the destination France. - The French railway companies interested in the tariffs for slow trains which are detailed below, for th etransport from Spain a said nation of pomegranates, lemons, melons, quinces and oranges were temporarily elevated, or will be up until 15th February 1917, fixed per 8,000Kg with a minimum of 5,000Kg per wagon which we show these tariffs, for transport packed or loose;

Special Tariff num. 18§ III north (Series E.F. num. 2 re: Alicante and Andalusian).-Amplification of special tariff num. 18§III north(Series E F. num. 2 re: Alicante and Andalusian).-Special tariff num. 19§IV North (series E.F.O.num 1 re: Alicante and Andalusian)-International tariff E.M. num. 1-International tariff num. 16-International tariff E.M.L. num. 13.

The indicated action was put in place fron the 15th December.-In consequence, the northern companies, M.Z.A. and Andalusian are informing the public that for the application of the mentioned tariffs for loose deliveries or packed, we will demand a minimum of 8,000Kgs per wagon.

Salted fish.-On 1st February Concession num. 5 of M.Z.A., previously R.O. of 1st February 1887 that refers to transport in p.v. referring to tuna, bonito, salted tuna and salted and pressed sardines, de Huelva to the stations between Chinchilla and Alicante, between Pozo Cañada and Cartagena, between Fuente La Higuera y Grao de Valencia and between Valencia and Portbou inclusive priced between 28 and 50 pesetas per tonne will still be cancelled.

From the railway transporters



The names of the stations are announced automatically in the coaches of the urban trams and railways of England my means of gramophones.

The tariffs in the English railways have suffered an increase since 1st January of 50 per cent, and at the same time they have greatly increased the number of trains. In Italy they have done the same, having suffered and increase in the tariffs for merchandise.

There is a story from Central Africa that they received the following telegram from a station in the offices of transport:

"A lion has eaten the pointsman and is trying to get into my office. I await your instructions: URGENT.".

We don't know which instructions they gave in such an extraordinary situation. Whoever would want to work in a station in such circumstances!


The last delivery of coal has cost the huge amount of 126 pesetas a tonne. The coal that our company used previously before the war cost 37 ptas. The increase, therefore, is some 90 ptas. per tonne and as we use 12,000 tonnes per year, the increase in costs purely in this matter has been more than a million pesetas.

And the representatives of other companies are asking for discounts on the tariffs!

The English companies, who before the war employed 11,000 women, now have 33,000 en employ. This number represents something less than 5 per cent of the railway staff during the war. In France and Spain the percentage is much higher, approaching 14 per cent in some lines.

With coal at 100 ptas. per tonne the amount saved with just one shovelful per kilometre per locomotive will result in a saving for this company of 250,000 per year.


We request that all our collaborators in this publication who would send us their good works, to keep them limited in size.

In addition, the Management reserves the right to withhold any works due to their length or for whatever reason.


Health Service

On 21st December, under the auspices of the Company Doctor Mr. Calero, the exams took place for certain employees to join the healthcare service. We understand that everyone, without exception, showed perfect understanding of First Aid. The exam papers are already in the hands of The Management of "The Association of St. John" in London, and wehope that very soon we will be able to announce the names of those who have received the Certificate of the aforementioned charitable association.

The accident that occured with the brakeman Mr. Marín in Pulpí on 21st December, and whose consequences were fortunately not grave, the injuries from which were treated by brakeman Mr. Hilario Moreno, who has benefitted from his studies as a member of the Healthcare Services of this company. And we are seeing the practical advantages of the First Aid service.


We know that, The President of The Board of Administration has recovered from the illness that he suffered from last month.

We celebrate his recovery.

On the 16th of this month military train num. 352 was pelted with stones by children at Km.36.

From what we understand, said children were placed under the order of the judge who sent them to prison.

This same train ran over a cavalryman at Km. 18.700 without serious injury.

At Km. 58.700 there could have been a serious accident when a goods train met a police car coming in the opposite direction. The situation was saved by the skills of the engine driver Mr. Ibañez, who was able to stop the train 250m from the police vehicle.

Congratulations to Mr. Ibañez for his skills in such a critical moment.

As our readers know, there were five employees of the office in Águilas as well as two from the London office who have conscripted in the new British Army, making seven from out company. Of these, two have already died; Mr. Alleyn from the London office, and Mr. Acomb, secretary to our director. Lieutenant Acomb was close to a mine in The Somme on 22nd August and died instantly.

He was with us for only a short time, but during this he created much affection, and his death is felt greatly, by those who knew him.

In addition, Lieutenant Eycott and Sergeant Thompson returned to England with serious injuries but we understand that they have now returned to their regiments. We wish them good luck.


Railway from Lorca to Baza and Águilas


Passenger Train Services

from 1st January 1917

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